FRB Newsletter Volume 02, Issue 11 — November 2021

Total FRB count: 612 (1 new)
Repeaters: 24 (0 new)
Host galaxies: 20 (0 new)

From the Editors

We are barreling towards the end of another eventful year, and FRB-related results, both observational and theoretical, continue to pour in at a breakneck pace. We hope our readers enjoy this month's round-up and continue to stay safe and healthy, wherever they are.

Papers of Interest

Host Galaxies and Localizations
  • Milliarcsecond Localisation of the Repeating FRB 20201124A; Nimmo et al., arXiv: 2111.01600
  • A Fast Radio Burst Source at a Complex Magnetised Site in a Barred Galaxy; H. Xu et al, arXiv: 2111.11764
Observational Results
  • Search for Fast Radio Transients Using Arecibo Drift-Scan Observations at 1.4 GHz; Perera et al., arXiv: 2110.14698
  • Multiband Detection of Repeating FRB 20180916B; Sand et al., arXiv: 2111.02382
  • Scintillation Timescales of Bright FRBs Detected by CHIME/FRB; Schoen et al., arXiv: 2111.08753
  • Arecibo Observations of a Burst Storm from FRB 20121102A in 2016; Hewitt et al., arXiv: 2111.11282
Theory and Modeling
  • Constraining the Nature of FRB-emitting Bunches via Photo-magnetic Cascade; Cooper & Wijers, arXiv: 2110.15244
  • On the Fast Radio Burst and Persistent Radio Source Populations; Law, Connor & Aggarwal, arXiv: 2110.15323
  • Faraday Rotation in Fast Radio Bursts; Lyutikov, arXiv: 2111.00281
  • Neutrino Emission from FRB-emitting Magnetars; Yuanhong Qu & Bing Zhang, arXiv: 2111.04121
  • Coherent Inverse Compton Scattering by Bunches in Fast Radio Bursts; Bing Zhang, arXiv: 2111.06571
  • Statistical Measurements of Dispersion Measure Fluctuations of FRBs; Siyao Xu, David H. Weinberg & Bing Zhang, arXiv: 2111.07417
  • Fast Radio Burst Distributions Consistent with the First CHIME/FRB Catalog; Da-Chun Qiang, Shu-Ling Li & Hao Wei, arXiv: 2111.07476
  • Three Aspects of the Radius-to-Frequency Mapping in Fast Radio Bursts; H. Tong et al., arXiv: 2111.09548
  • Relativistic Oblique Shocks with Ordered or Random Magnetic Fields: Tangential Field Governs; Jing-Ze Ma & Bing Zhang, arXiv: 2111.09206
  • Magnetospheric Curvature Radiation by Bunches as Emission Mechanism for Repeating Fast Radio Bursts; Wei-Yang Wang et al., arXiv: 2111.11841
  • Upper Limits on Einstein's Weak Equivalence Principle Placed by Uncertainties of Dispersion Measures of Fast Radio Bursts; Hashimoto et al., arXiv: 2111.11447
  • Constraining Violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle Using CHIME FRBs; Sen et al., arXiv: 2111.11451
Algorithms and Instrumentation
  • Global Sky Models can Improve Flux Estimates in Pulsar and FRB Studies; Price, arXiv: 2110.15469
  • A GPU Based Single-Pulse Search Pipeline (GSP) with Database and Its Application to the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS); Shanping You et al., arXiv: 2110.12749
  • Real-Time Detection of Anomalies in Large-Scale Transient Surveys; Muthukrishna et al., arXiv: 2111.00036
  • Realtime Alerts of the Transient Sky on Mobile Devices; Reichherzer et al., arXiv: 2111.05427
  • Harvesting BAT-GUANO with NITRATES (Non-Imaging Transient Reconstruction And TEmporal Search): Detecting and Localizing the Faintest GRBs with a Likelihood Framework; DeLaunay & Tohuvavohu, arXiv: 2111.01769
  • Analysis of the Breakthrough Listen Signal of Interest blc1 with a Technosignature Verification Framework; Sheikh et al., arXiv: 2111.06350
Magnetars and other relevant results
  • Radio and X-ray Observations of Giant Pulses from XTE J1810-197; Caleb et al., arXiv: 2111.01641
  • Unusual Emission Variations Near the Eclipse of A Black Widow PSR J1720-0533; S.Q. Wang et al., arXiv: 2111.02690
  • Linking Extragalactic Transients and their Host Galaxy Properties: Transient Sample, Multi-Wavelength Host Identification, and Database Construction; Yu-Jing Qin et al., arXiv: 2111.08016
  • Estimating Transient Rates from Cosmological Simulations and BPASS; Briel et al., arXiv: 2111.08124
From the Astronomer's Telegram
  • The Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory used a newly commissioned autonomous repointing mode to observe FRB 20211122A just 39 minutes after the detection was broadcast through the real-time CHIME/FRB VOEvent Service. Upper limits were reported on coincident X-ray and optical emission (ATel 15055).
Relevant Job Listings

-- Postdoctoral position in FRBs/pulsars at Curtin University, Western Australia. Applications due 6 December, 2021. Curtin University Job Vacancies.

Do you have an item for future newsletters? Please send these via email to the editors (Emily and Shami) to be included in an upcoming issue.