Data from: Mind Training, Stress and Behaviour - a Randomised Experiment Authors: Yonas Alem, Hannah Behrendt, Michele Belot and Aniko Biro Contact author: Michele Belot ( Alternate contact: Aniko Biro Aniko ( Funding: The study received financial support from the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development ( Formas), through the project “Cooperation for sustainable resource utilization”, grant number: 253-210-32. Biro acknowledges funding from the Momentum program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dates of collection: The data was collected between October 2014 and March 2015 at the Behavioral Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh (BLUE) Context: Participants were requested to attend 7 sessions at BLUE and were allocated at random (by time slot) to a control group (who were asked to watch an online historial documentary for 4 weeks after that first week) or an online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. In each session, participants were asked to complete surveys and perform specific tasks. See Article for full details. Publication details (to be added). This dataset is shared under an Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license ( The material can be shared and built upon, but attribution to the original authors and a statement of changes made is required. Statistical analysis completed in Stata 13. Variable description. See also the full survey in the publication appendix for full questions. Variable Description Participant_id Unique identifier Participant Week Week Treatment AW for Ancient World, MI for Mindfuless Based Stress Reduction Life_satisfaction Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays? Things_worthwhile Overall, to what extent do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile Happy_thesedays Overall, how happy are you these days? Anxious_now Overall, how anxious do you feel right now? Happy_now Overall, how happy are you right now? Anxious_thesedays Overall, how anxious do you feel these days? Eat_regular Would you say you eat at regular times of the day? Drink_coffee How often do you drink coffee, latte or cappuccino (not decaf)? Salt_meals Do you add salt to your meals? Avoid_fat Do you make a conscious effort to avoid eating foods that contain fat and cholesterol Eat_highfibre Do you make a conscious effort to eat foods that are high in fibre? Frequency_alcohol How often do you have an alcoholic drink? Food_out_of_control How often does the following happen to you?-Feel completely out of control when eating Eat_stressed How often does the following happen to you?-Eat too much because you are upset Eat_bored_lonely How often does the following happen to you?-Eat too much because you are bored Eat_much_fast How often does the following happen to you?-Eat so much food so fast that you do Eat_exam When you are preparing for an exam or work on an assignment, do you tend to eat more/less Snack_exam Do you usually eat high calorie snacks while studying or working on an assignment Bedtime At what time do you go to sleep most days? Hours_sleep On average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24 hour period? Relax_meditate How do you relax?-Meditate / do breathing exercises / practice mindfulness Visit_doctor Do you suffer from any health problems that have led you to visit a doctor Felt_upset_unexpected In the last month, how often have you been upset because of / something Felt_no_control byte In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control Felt_stressed In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and stressed? Felt_confident_pers_problems In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your / ability Felt_things_your_way In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going / your Felt_couldnt_cope In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope / Felt_control_irritations In the last month, how often have you been able to control / irritations Felt_top_of In the last month, how often have you felt that you were on top of / Felt_anger_nocontrol In the last month, how often have you been angered because of / things Felt_difficulties In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling / up Felt_worry_grades_future In the last month, how often have you been worrying about the / effect Felt_worry_grades_thissemester In the last month, how often have you found yourself very concerned / Performance_predicted Before we start, we would like to ask you how you think you will perform… Test_stressful This is the end of the Cognitive Ability and Knowledge Test. Your scores are… I found this test (stressful) Test_difficult I thought this test was difficult Performance_retrospective How do you think you performed on this test compared to the other people Boxes_collected byte Please now use the slider below to choose how many boxes you / would like to collect Pss_totalscore byte PSS total Stress_studies byte Studies related stress Event_summary byte Sum of stressful events prev month Time_gotup_aggregate_minutes Performance_predicted_cat Self-assessed predicted performance Performance_retrospective_cat Self-assessed retrospective performance Bis_totalscore byte Barratt measure Consistent_paynow 0/1 dummy variable for consistency Tot_healthy_snacknow_paynow Nr of low calorie options chosen Consistent_moneynow 0/1 dummy variable for consistency Consistent_moneynow_s 0/1 dummy variable for consistency (follow up sessions) Tot_now_money Impatience Tot_now_money_s Impatience (follow up sessions) Smoking_prevweek Eat_regular_prevweek Did you eat at regular times of the day during the previous week? Exam_eating_weekly Study_snacks_weekly AW_relaxing Did you find watching the previous week's Ancient Worlds episode useful for relaxing AW_relaxing_overall Did you find watching the previous week's Ancient Worlds episode useful for relaxing during previous 5 weeks MI_relaxing How useful did you find mindfulness for relaxation purposes during the previous week MI_relaxing_overall How useful did you find mindfulness for relaxation purposes during the previous 5 weeks cortisol_mean_s1 Cortisol_mean_s1 (first sample) dilution_s1 Dilution_s1 cortisol_mean_s2 Cortisol_mean_s2 dilution_s2 Dilution_s2 cortisol_mean_s3 Cortisol_mean_s3 dilution_s3 Dilution_s3 Present_wk6 Present at week 6 Present_wk7 Present at week 7 Pid group(Participant_id) Female Female White Age Pss_week1 PSS score week 1 Weight_week1 Weihgt week 1 BMI_week1 BMI week 1 Undergrad Undergraduate student completed_course Completed_course Present_bias_simple Present bias Present_bias_simple_w1 Present bias week 1 Smoking Smoking Ate_unhealthy Unhealthy food items yesterday startdate StartDate