======================================================================= README ======================================================================= This README.txt file was created by Diana Bernstein on 14/5/2021 GENERAL INFORMATION Title of dataset: Data from: Short-term impacts of 2017 western North American wildfires on meteorology, the atmosphere’s energy budget, and premature mortality Contact information: Diana Bernstein, The University of Southern Mississippi, diana.bernstein@usm.edu, db626@cornell.edu Sponsorship information: This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (grant no. 1608775) and the Department of Energy (DE-439SC0021302). SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Recommended citation for the data: Bernstein, D., Hamilton, D.S., Krasnoff, R., Mahowald, N.M., Connelly, D.S., Tilmes, S., and Hess, P.G. (2021) Data from: Short-term impacts of 2017 western North American wildfires on meteorology, the atmosphere’s energy budget, and premature mortality. [Dataset] Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. https://doi.org/10.7298/4ttw-g030 Related article: Bernstein, D., Hamilton, D.S., Krasnoff, R., Mahowald, N.M., Connelly, D.S., Tilmes, S., and Hess, P.G. (2021). Short-term impacts of 2017 western North American wildfires on meteorology, the atmosphere’s energy budget, and premature mortality. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac02ee These data are being shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The data are free, and may be shared and adapted, but attribution to the original authors is required. DATA AND FILE OVERVIEW File list: 1) AEROD_v_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 2) AEROD_v_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 3) AEROD_v_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 4) FSNS_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 5) FSNS_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 6) FSNS_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 7) FSNTOA_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 8) FSNTOA_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 9) FSNTOA_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 10) FSNTOAC_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 11) FSNTOAC_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 12) FSNTOAC_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 13) FSNTOA_d1_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 14) FSNTOA_d1_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 15) FSNTOA_d1_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 16) FSNTOAC_d1_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 17) FSNTOAC_d1_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 18) FSNTOAC_d1_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 19) PBLH_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 20) PBLH_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 21) PBLH_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 22) PRECT_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 23) PRECT_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 24) PRECT_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 25) SHFLX_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 26) SHFLX_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 27) SHFLX_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 28) TS_FIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 29) TS_FIREx3.5_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 30) TS_NOFIRE_18ens_2017.09_NA_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 31) bc_tot_FIRE_2017_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 32) bc_tot_NOFIRE_2017_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 33) oc_tot_FIRE_2017_Bernsteinetal2021.nc 34) oc_tot_NOFIRE_2017_Bernsteinetal2021.nc METHODOLOGY Description of emissions and modeling setup used to generate this data can be found in Bernstein et al. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac02ee DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION Number of model cases: 5 (Offline FIRE: Files #31,33; Offline NOFIRE: Files #32,34; ONLINE FIREx3.5: Files #2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29; ONLINE FIRExRatio: Files #1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28; ONLINE NOFIRE: Files #3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30) Files #1-30 include the following dimension: [0] record [1] time [2] latitude [3] longitude record: A list of 18 ensemble members of online runs time: A list of daily values presented in days since 2010-01-01 00:00:00. latitude: A list of latitude values presented in degrees North, and spans from 20.3 to 69.3 deg. N. longitude: A list of longitude values presented in degrees West and spans from 190 to 310 deg. W. Files #31-34 include the following dimension: [0] time [1] latitude [2] longitude time: A list of daily values presented in days since 2010-01-01 00:00:00. latitude: A list of latitude values presented in degrees. longitude: A list of longitude values presented in degrees. Variable list: In files #1-3: AEROD_v (Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band) In files #4-6: FSNS (Net solar flux at surface, W/m2) In files #7-9: FSNTOA (Net solar flux at top of atmosphere, W/m2) In files #10-12: FSNTOAC (Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere, W/m2) In files #13-15: FSNTOA_d1 (Net solar flux at top of atmosphere without aerosols, W/m2) In files #16-18: FSNTOAC_d1 (Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere without aerosols, W/m2) In files #19-21: PBLH (PBL height, m) In files #22-24: PRECT (Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice), m/s) In files #25-27: SHFLX (Surface sensible heat flux, W/m2) In files #28-30: TS (Surface temperature, K) In files #31-32: bc_tot (Total black carbon concentration, kg/kg) In files #33-34: oc_tot (Total organic carbon concentration, kg/kg)