FRB Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 02 — February 2021

Total FRB count: 144
Repeaters: 22
Host galaxies: 13

From the editors:

The world continues in a holding pattern for now, but meanwhile, here's our round up of recent papers and news items on fast radio bursts. We hope our readers continue to stay safe and healthy.


The Arecibo Observatory has been seeking endorsements for a community-developed white paper with concepts for a Next-Generation Arecibo Telescope.

"This white paper will be presented to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and will be shared with key stakeholders from private and public sector in February to request support for the construction of a new telescope at Arecibo Observatory."

Papers of interest

Observational Results
  • Reprocessing of a Green Bank 43-meter Telescope Survey of Unidentified Bright Radio Sources for Pulsars and Radio Bursts; Crawford et al., arXiv: 2102.01132
  • CRAFTS for Fast Radio Bursts Extending the Dispersion-Fluence Relation with New FRBs Detected by FAST; Chen-Hui Niu et al., arXiv: 2102.10546
Theory and Modeling
  • No Velocity-Kicks Are Required to Explain Large-Distance Offsets of Ca-rich Supernovae and Short-GRBs; Perets & Beniamini, arXiv: 2101.11622

    "We point out that studies of other transients' offset distribution (e.g. Ia-SNe or FRBs) should similarly consider the host galaxy-type."

  • Effect of Redshift Distributions of Fast Radio Bursts on Cosmological Constraints; Da-Chun Qiang & Hao Wei, arXiv: 2102.00579
  • Periodic Repeating Fast Radio Bursts: Interaction Between a Magnetized Neutron Star and its Planet in an Eccentric Orbit; Kuerban et al., arXiv: 2102.04264
  • Testing Fundamental Physics with Astrophysical Transients; Jun-Jie Wei & Xue-Feng Wu, arXiv: 2102.03724
  • Periodic Fast Radio Bursts from ULX-Like Binaries; Sridhar et al., arXiv: 2102.06138
  • Coherent Emission in Pulsars, Magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts: Reconnection-Driven Free Electron Laser; Lyutikov, arXiv: 2102.07010
  • An Accreting Stellar Binary Model for Active Periodic Fast Radio Bursts; Can-Min Deng, Shu-Qing Zhong & Zi-Gao Dai, arXiv: 2102.06796
  • On Dark Stars, Planck Cores and the Nature of Dark Matter; Nikitin, arXiv: 2102.07769

    "Outbreaks caused by a fall of an external object on a dark star lead to emission wavelength shifted towards smaller values. The model estimations give the outbreak wavelength ~ 1m compatible with fast radio bursts."

Algorithms and Instrumentation
  • Galactic Radio Explorer: an All-sky Monitor for Bright Radio Bursts; Connor et al., arXiv: 2101.09905
  • Probabilistic Association of Transients to their Hosts (PATH); Aggarwal et al., arXiv: 2102.10627
SGR 1935+2154 and other relevant magnetar results
  • High Frequency Radio Observations of Two Magnetars, PSR J1622-4950 and 1E 1547.0-5408; Che-Yen Chu et al., arXiv: 2102.02466
From the Astronomer's Telegram
  • Magnetars SGR 1830-0645 and SGR 1935+2154 are currently active at high energies. For SGR 1935+2154, radio upper limits from Westerbork (ATel 14382) and GMRT (ATel 14395) have been reported.
  • A search for radio pulses associated with GRB 210119A/Swift J1851.20-6148, a candidate sGRB or SGR, were conducted with the Parkes telescope from 700 MHz to 4 GHz. Upper limits on radio pulsations are reported (ATel 14347).
Upcoming meetings and conferences

SKA Science Meeting: A Precursor View of the SKA Sky, 15-19 March, 2021. Registration open.
APS Session Q07: Fast Radio Bursts, 19 April, 2021. Special session at the APS April meeting on FRBs. APS Session Program

Relevant job listings

-- Research Associate, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. "Solving the mystery of ultra luminous fast radio burst emission". AAS Job Register
-- Postdoctoral Researcher, Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute Collaborative Research Team with CHIME/FRB, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. AAS Job Register
-- Support Scientist, The Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE), Dwingeloo, The Netherlands. AAS Job Register

Do you have an item for future newsletters? Please send these via email to the editors (Emily and Shami) to be included in an upcoming issue.